EXO MC&Interpretation
Welcome to EXO MC&Interpretation Group!
Welcome to the EXO MC and Interpretations gitbook page!
Our group is in charge of providing a comprehensive and coherent Monte Carlo strategy for the Exotica group, as well as addressing in time additional technical work that may be required for the implementation of new physics signals. We will be "ex-officio" keeping connection with the GEN/PPD/PdmV group to provide full support on issues regarding the MC generator, central sample submissions and productions, etc.
We have regular biweekly meetings on even week Tuesdays 16:00 - 18:00.
Contact Us!
Conveners : Tamas Almos Vami (UCSB, Sep. 2023 - present), Tamas.Almos.Vami@cern.ch Jaime Leon Holgado (IC, Sep. 2024 - present), Jaime.Leon.Holgado@cern.ch
egroup address: cms-exo-mci@cern.ch
MC contacts :
Benjamin Rand, Shriniketan Acharya, Taehee Kim, Tianyu Mu, Dawei Fu, Danyi Zhang. egroup address : cms-exo-mcrequests@cern.ch
Contact us through email if you have any questions regarding MC generators, sample requests/productions, and (re-)interpretations.
Useful Links
How to generate gridpacks
Where to request EXO MC samples
EXO MC instructions twiki (old, will move things to here)
EXO MC instructions twiki (ancient)
Last updated
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