Finding PrepIds in McM

Shortcuts to Find Your Samples in McM

McM can be quite slow and this sometimes cause errors while trying to access the information through web. It often helps if you use the fields for searches wisely.

List of Fields that Help Faster McM Searches

  • dataset_name : e.g.) DY*MLM* = String in dataset names can be used for searching.

  • tags : e.g.) EXO-monophoton = Samples labeled with such string.

  • prepid : e.g.) EXO*GS* = prepIds for (wmLHE)GS is the only thing we need for cloning requests. The other steps (DRPremix, MiniAOD, etc.) are not needed, they will be attached as chains following the (wmLHE)GS prepIds.

Example 1) I know my sample's dataset name is "WRtoNLtoLLJJ_MWR500to3500_TuneCP5-madgraph-pythia8".

Example 2) I know my samples' dataset names contain "WRtoNLtoLLJJ" and "TuneCP5-madgraph-pythia8" but I want to search for it more inclusively (all signal sample mass/grid points). Using "*" is allowed in McM.*TuneCP5-madgraph-pythia8

Example 3) I know my samples are labeled with "EXO-MCI".

Multiple fields can be searched by connecting the fields with "&". Example 4) I know my samples' dataset names contain "WRtoNLtoLLJJ" and "TuneCP5-madgraph-pythia8". But I only want to search for GS prepIds used for 2017 sample production.*TuneCP5-madgraph-pythia8&prepid=*17GS*

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